This is actually a miss as an indictment for "NewsBusters".
They failed to frame the issue properly.
You see - when it comes to PRIDE and the "Americanized Black" - most would rather see POSITIVE MEDIA PORTRAYALS in the hopes that this will initiate improved academic results. ? WHEN THE RIGHT WING attacks "good ideas" that are bought into by "The Black Racial Services Machine" then these attacks are seen as "Anti-Black".
The problem is that even thought the "Progressive Establishment" which has dominate control over the local Black educational institutions are failing to develop our young people sufficiently into "Professional Service Providers" who will SERVICE our community up to the desired standard of living - the DEFENSIVENESS against what is seen as an "Existential Racial Attack" will cause most "Americanized Blacks" to recoil - defending that which is failing them AGAINST A RIGHT WING ATTACK.
| If the Right-Wing would stop ATTACKING and start OBSERVING - they would see that THE AMERICANIZED BLACK prefers to be MOTIVATED INTO A POINT OF "VENERATION" than he cares to PROTECT THE "VALUABLES THAT HE HAS INVESTED". Please accept this as the replacement for the editorial cartoon that ran in 2008 in which a Black baby ind diapers was watching television with the caption "The First Black President Of The United States".? I can't find that cartoon. The forces that CONTROL THE BLACK COMMUNITY don't care to do INTROSPECTION to determine IF THEY ARE COMPETENT to MANAGE THE HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONS that might allow this LITTLE BLACK BOY PICTURED to live up to his full potential. THE FACT THAT A FAVORABLE PERSON IS CAPTURED WITHIN THE EYE'S OF A BLACK MALE - AFFIRMING WHAT THEY ALREADY BELIEVE (Congregation Building) IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN "THE BLACK COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE CULTURE" - which they are damaging. |
?"His Hair Is Just Like Mine" | This propaganda is askew. Those who practice "Trickle Down Social Justice" believe that this ONE BLACK BOY seeing that the "Black President IS JUST LIKE HIM" would do more to HELP BLACK MALES - than if MORE OF THEIR? GENETIC WERE AT HOME, in a committed long term relationship with THEIR BIRTH MOTHER - this as? the STANDARD - while accepting the exceptions that the hardships of life presents to us. This centralized model ONLY produces the "Fall In Line, Don't Criticize Or WE'LL ATTACK YOU" model.?? It INSTITUTIONALIZES the CORRUPTION in that when the President Of The United States EXECUTES US FOREIGN POLICY that would otherwise be DAMNED by the CORRUPT BLACK RACIAL SERVICES MACHINE that controls these PROPAGANDA IMAGES - they KEEP THEM OUT OF VIEW OF THIS LITTLE BLACK PEOPLE - because IN THEIR PERVERSION - they only want to present him with an ENGINEERED version of HISTORY. THEY ARE AS CORRUPT AS ANY "AMERICAN HISTORIAN" that they damn for slandering "the Full History". |
The Happy Negro Leadership Is Pleased With The Executive Order On "African American Education | As a little boy - my father had these two portraits hanging up on the wall in his home office. I did not know who these men were but I figured they were important.? The picture to the left will one day find its way to the walls of Black people living in West Philadelphia and beyond. BUT BECAUSE - it is an affirming image that feeds into OTHER SUCH IMAGES - that allow the incompetence that is present within our community to TIE HIGH END GOALS OF ACHIEVEMENT with the DAY TO DAY "Operations" of keeping the human resources FOCUSED upon the large target - ONE STEP AT A TIME. POSITIVE PROPAGANDA is the most effective means of covering up IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY INDUCED INCOMPETENCE. |
![]() | The proper framing of this "Black Male Graduation Crisis" is to note that the POLITICAL "Red States / Blue States" that "Americanized Blacks" typically debate over IS IRRELEVANT.?? The truth is WHERE EVER Black people living in high concentrations - there is likelihood that academic performance problems will exist.? THIS IS EVIDENCE of a "distracted people". The fact that a major political campaign transpired and THE BLACKS where happy with the results BUT this issue that affects them the most was barely mentioned - is an indictment of the present prevailing consciousness and the SKEWED PRIORITIES that are produced. The truth is, however, that the present academic situation within the Black community is the case AFTER THE LAST ROUND of "Electoral Success" by which the present local Educational Establishment was put into place. Few people care to "double back" and question if ELECTIONEERING is the salvation for Black people, GOVERNANCE at the institutional level is far more important. |
Even though on "Bill Moyer's Journal" a team of reporters indicated that the RIGHT-WING has its tentacles within various advocacy groups - Mr Moyers - a dear friend of "Black Liberation Theology" doesn't care to expose how George Soros and the "Open Society Foundation" is a feeder stream through which many Black operatives are placed into that which PRESENTS THEMSELVES as "Black Advocacy Organizations". The is no longer any distinction between a "BLACK ADVOCACY ORGANIZATION" and a "PROGRESSIVE ADVOCACY ORGANIZATION".?? The Black organization merely puts "Soul Food Seasoning" on the otherwise bland "progressive message" for distribution INTO the Black community. They aren't judged based upon the RETURN ON DEVELOPMENT - as evidenced by DEVELOPED NEGROS.? Instead the SIZE OF THE CONGREGATION supporting them is the key measure of success - the CONDITION OF THE NEGRO - be damned. | |
Table Cell | Table Cell |
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