Friday, July 12, 2013

Vampires, Werewolves & Witches, Oh My!

Vampires have two states. Their first, and the one they?re most comfortable in, is what resembles a large, muscular, hairless dog (which, just like humans, can be pale, tan, or dark skinned), which stands on two legs but has a curved spine, giving it a hunchback look. Another notable thing about them is that, though they have the same eye colours as humans, their eye is completely this colour, apart from their pupil. They are easily more powerful in this form, and have large, curved claws, and teeth that could rip a human in half. Their speed is enough to rival a cheetah, and they are strong enough to lift a truck. Most are stealthy, and could run at incredible speeds without making a sound. This form was designed to be a killer, and if you encounter a vampire in this form, you half little chance of making it out alive.

Their second state resembles a human. Vampires have control over how they appear to others, except for things such as skin tone and eye colour. They are much weaker in this state but can blend in much easier, and vampires tend to find hunting like this more fun, as their first state has very little awareness of emotions, apart from things such as hunger, lust and fear. They are only as fast or as strong as their body, so it is rare to see an obese vampire and a lot of vampires try to be as muscular as possible. They have prominent canines, and in the dark their eyes shine, due to their night vision.

Vampires live on human blood. Though animal blood can sate their thirst temporarily, it is not a substitute for human blood. If a vampire were to drink too much animal blood, they would experience nausea, dizziness, and would usually feel weak. This state lasts for approximately an hour. Similar side effects can result from lack of human blood, though these side effects get more severe the longer they withhold from blood, eventually the vampire will be bedridden and their organs will shut down.

Vampires do not die, or sparkle, in sunlight ? though they tend to burn easily, some have been recorded to been in temperatures as low as 15 degrees Celsius (approximately 60 degrees Fahrenheit), so they prefer colder climates. Holy water and crosses are both myths, and garlic can hold them back, even kills if swallowed, but only in their dog-like state. They can be killed by lack of human blood, stake to the heart, or if their head is chopped off. A weapon such as bullets hurt, but do not kill and the blood that they bleed is human blood that they have digested. There is speculation on whether a vampire could be killed by being continuously injured, until it runs out of human blood and dies of lack of it, though this theory has never been tested.

When around vampires in their human states, humans natural instincts is to feel lustful, unless eye contact is made, in which case the human will instinctively feel slight fear. Vampires can transfer their venom through the saliva, which could mean a kiss, bite, or simply drinking from the same glass as a vampire. This will result in a dizzy human, until they pass out. They will wake up with a craving for human blood and heightened senses. Their conscious will slowly disappear, and it usually takes about five years until they no longer feel any remorse for their kills, unless it is their own kind. As the vampires don?t have a conscious, deaths from lack of human blood tend to be very early in the transformation stage, as this is when vampires feel the worst about killing others. Vampires are fiercely loyal to other vampires, and usually travel in groups or at least pairs, as otherwise they will feel extremely lonely and often fall into depression. Although they do not have a conscience, vampires still feel human emotions, such as sadness, anger, happiness, surprise, pain, etc., and if they fall in love with someone, even if they're human, they will do just as much to protect them as anyone else would.

Witches are humans, male and female, whom have studied witchcraft. Though technically not all witches have to be evil, as witchcraft is usually dark magic and as it is a choice whether or not to use it, they tend to have dark personalities. This also means it is rare to see young witches, though not impossible, for if a parent encourages their child to learn witchcraft then children could easily become witches.

Witches usually do not ride around on broomsticks; this was assumed after a fleeing witch charmed a broomstick to fly in order to get away quickly. In fact, it would probably be a bad idea to fly on a broomstick, they don?t tend to be very stable and the same witch that gave us this legend fell off the broomstick and died. They also generally don?t wear hats or have black cats, and if they do, this is not because they are a witch. The only legend is true is the use of cauldrons, though even that is slowly becoming less and less popular, and a lot of witches simply use large mixing bowls to brew spells.
The choking spell, bad luck spell, bladder control spell and plague spell are fairly straight forward ? they choke the victim, give bad luck to the victim, give the victim bad bladder control and give the victim a fatal illness. All of these spells need the DNA of the victim, and the most commonly used DNA samples are hair and blood. Some other spells include famine spell ? which will curse the land that the spell is spilled over, so that no crops shall ever grow there, and communicating with the dead, which also needs DNA of said dead person. Witches have been known to charm these ghosts using the Hypnosis Spell to get the ghost to do their bidding.

There are other spells also, though these are not commonly used and little people know the recipe to them. After approximately a year of spell casting, witches tend to become more introverted, selfish, and cold towards others. Soon after this, they start to get abilities within them, most likely side effects of being constantly surrounded by different ingredients and spells. For example, a witch of a year could change a seed - make it grow something else ? or make food go rotten by touching it. After several years, witches can bewitch objects, such as making a broomstick fly.

Werewolves have the appearance of a large wolf, though they?re much faster, stronger and smarter. They can change into a human state, in fact, human is their normal form and some would consider lycanthropy little more than an illness or side effect. Their human form is practically of that of a normal human, except they have canine tendencies, such as being hungry a lot. They generally have fast metabolisms. There is no way to become a werewolf, it is a gene that is passed down from generations, and not all children of werewolves possess this gene, though they can still pass the gene down to their children, and so forth.

Werewolves can also not change into their wolf appearance purposely. It happens approximately one third of the time, only at night time and the nights are at random, though it is more likely to happen if a werewolf is angry, scared, or threatened. If a werewolf changes on a full moon, they will become extremely powerful, more so than usual. If angered with in this state, they can often destroy whole villages in anger. Most nights that werewolves change, they will kill the nearest human to them, or kill someone that they?ve recently been angry with, even if it is just a small anguish. Werewolves can be good people, and if they are they tend to try their hardest to be happy and stay positive, so that they won?t kill anyone when they change. If they are far away from humans and have no enemies, they will go on a rampage, and kill any and all animals close by.

When in wolf form, some of its basic emotions are intact; such as whom they dislike. One of the other emotions they can feel in wolf form is love, though this is more an understanding that if this person were harmed, they would be upset later, so they try and save them. Mourning werewolves have been known to sleep through the day and only go out at night when changed, when the emotions are less intense and they only have to go off instinct. When in human form, the werewolf can be killed like a normal human being, but they have a faster healing rate than normal. When in wolf form, the only thing that can hurt them is silver, whether that is a bullet or knife, and on a full moon they are nearly unstoppable. Also, werewolves refer to themselves as lycanthropes.

Monster Hunters
Monster hunters are generally what they?re known as, though other words have been used. Monster Hunters are humans who know the truth about monsters, and have made it their job to stop them. Most monster hunters have little friends outside of other hunters, as they tend to travel a lot and keeping connections is difficult. The job is difficult ? and by that, I mean impossible. Most hunters are dead before they?ve even started to grey, and the ones that do reach retirement have seen more death than a cemetery.

These are simply people who live in Intimsake, and most of them, don?t even know of the existence of mythical creatures.


Super Moon 2013

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